Category Archives: Uncategorized

Mark Bittman takes a new track

For years Mark Bittman has been teaching everyday Americans how to cook.  I was a smidge concerned when he wrote that the Minimalist column was ending.  But given his recent book Food Matters (which I highlighted in a previous post), I wasn’t too worried.

Last week he wrote A Food Manifesto for the Future in the New York Times. He covers everything I believe is important to our pursuit of healthier eating as individuals and as a population.  I certainly could not have conveyed it any better.  Please read every word.

He summarizes by saying:

I’ll expand on these issues (and more) in the future, but the essential message is this: food and everything surrounding it is a crucial matter of personal and public health, of national and global security. At stake is not only the health of humans but that of the earth.

I can’t wait to see what he’ll say next.

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